
What are you doing today?

Not as in, “what’s your schedule?” As in, “What are you accomplishing that gets you closer to your goals?”, as in, “Are you present in what you are doing with the people you are with?”

Do you know what you’re wanting to accomplish today? Have you planned it out? Have you talked about it with your spouse or significant other? Is it in your calendar? Did you share your calendar with your spouse last night? Did you look at it this morning?

These are all things I know to do, know that my life runs more smoothly when I do them. They are all things that I recognize are far more helpful than not. Unfortunately, they are something I have to work at to have as a habit that, quite frankly, runs against my nature in every particular.

My schedule, when I hold to it, makes my life very much easier in every particular. I take great joy in how smoothly things run, when I abide by the schedule. Even when things go off track, as far as the schedule is concerned, I realized some time back, that the beauty of the schedule is that it allows me to look at it, realize that the next thing on the schedule is “the next thing on the schedule”, and that by moving on to it, I’m back on schedule doing the things I’ve planed to get done no matter what went sideways earlier in the day.

As a case in point, I got so wrapped up in writing this particular post, that I missed a phone call appointment by 30 minutes courtesy of becoming wrapped up in the creative process. It’s frustrating, but having made a call, sent a text, and rescheduled, I find that my schedule says that I’m back to this and on track again. Knowing I’m back on track gives me piece of mind.