He Said, She Said

He Said, She Said

You may have noticed that sometimes I write, sometimes Alison writes and sometimes you get a blend from us both. Okay, mostly it’s a blend of us both with an occasional she or he said bit without the voice of the other, but we like it better together. We believe it’s important to have a unified voice as a couple.
We do this because we recognize that many of the topics we talk about need to be talked about and need the difference of perspective we each bring. By each of us offering our differing perspectives, we also recognize that we can offer the balance that male and female perspectives offer when brought together. One without the other is only half of what the whole is after all.
We believe in a lot of things. Sometimes they may seem contradictory to you. It makes sense from where I sit, and often from where Alison’s sitting, too. The mélange of life is amazing and we are all walking contradictions and hold a slew of understandings that help us through life the best we each know how to do. This is why you’ll find us talking about everything from kids to our relationship to our relationships with our kids to our careers and our successes and learning points (failures, Alison is calling them ‘projects’), our friendships, our faith, our concerns, observations, and anything else that comes with the wonderful and amazing journey we all call Life (Alison said, “don’t get too wordy”, guess she forgot what using the word “don’t” does). While we’ll discuss our Faith should it come up in conversation, we believe our lives as lived are our Testimony.
Ultimately, we believe that what we are offering you are tools and insights that will strike you as important too. This is our opportunity to give voice to the things that we believe matter.
From our hearts and minds to yours,
Dave and Alison